Cary and Irene (THE AWFUL TRUTH)

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Arsenic And Old Lace

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The definition of a dark comedy which has several characteristics of screwball antics. When you mix humor with murderers and corpses, then throw in Cary Grant with two old bitties (his aunts) who happen to like killing single old men- then count me in. A truly different type comedy that has to be seen. Cary is of course in perfect form. Josephine Hull and Jean Adair as his aunts are quite funny. And lets not forget the long lost brother Raymond Massey who just escaped from prison and decides to come home. Plus Prisciilla Lane is fetching as Cary's girlfriend-soon to be wife.

Aunt Martha: "For a gallon of elderberry wine, I take one teaspoon full of arsenic, then add half a teaspoon of strychnine, and then just a pinch of cyanide."
Mortimer: "Hmm. Should have quite a kick".

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Kimberly J.M. Wilson said...

I recently watched this and loved it. Peter Lorre is great as the doctor sidekick to the crazy Raymond.

Dawn said...

Monty, One of my favorite scenes is when Mortimer takes a breather to explain to his new wife: "Insanity runs in my family"

monty said...

I agree with you both Kim and Dawn.

Tracey said...

Doesn't Mortimer say "Insanity doesn't just run in my literally gallops..."