Cary and Irene (THE AWFUL TRUTH)

Sunday, October 10, 2010

The Ghost Breakers (1940) is perfect viewing for this Halloween season...

A radio broadcaster (Bob Hope), his quaking manservant (Willie Best) and an heiress (Paulette Goddard) investigate the mystery of a haunted castle in Cuba. After the success of 1939's The Cat and the Canary, Hope and Goddard reteam for this hilarious comedy about haunted houses and a menacing zombie. Hope fires off zingers left and right. Gets great support from Best and Paulette is very good as well. Perfect movie for this Halloween season.


Robin@DecoratingTennisGirl said...

Yes, a good one! Hope is always a riot!

Tom said...

Good choice Monty. This one always cracks me up. I love the part where Bob gets locked in the luggage.