Friday, November 23, 2012

The Favorite Screwball Comedy Tourney begins next month

Odds are good that perennial screwball star Cary Grant
will have a few films competing....

I have been back and forth about whether to do a tourney to decide the favorite screwball comedy here on Screwball Cinema. I finally decided to do one and what better time than during this holiday season. I am still working on the particulars, as it looks like it will involved the top 32 screwball comedies of all time. I have done some research to select those 32 based on recognition, popularity, awards won, etc. I will focus on the peak period of screwball comedies, which ran from the mid 30's to the early 40's. So this tourney will be very specific. So if the film is not regarded as a true screwball comedy, say for instance, Some Like It Hot or  Pillow Talk, they won't be in the mix. Maybe next year I can hold a tourney focusing on all classic comedies. But for now this is it. I will hold the tourney here and it's sister blog, All Good Things. Two brackets here and two brackets over there. I will be posting the list of films that made the cut within a few days. This sure be so much fun.

1 comment:

  1. I'm really looking forward to voting, I love screwball comedy.
